

Unit1 where did you go on vacation?

Unit1 重点词组和单词

去度假_________________________待在家里____________________ 去爬山_____________________ 去海滩_________________________ 参观博物馆___________________去参观夏令营__________________ 相当多_________________________为……而学习__________________出去________________________ 大部分时间______________________.尝起来很好吃___________________玩得高兴____________________ 当然___________________________给……的感觉;感受到_______________去购物_______________ 在过去______________________四处走走____________________因为_______________________________ 一碗……__________________第二天______________________喝茶______________ 找出;查明______________________继续___________________照相___________________ 重要的事______________________________上上下下____________________出来_____________________


( ) 1. —Where would you like to spend your vacation?

—I’d like to go ________. I hate hot days

A.cool somewhere B. somewhere cool C. hot somewhere D. somewhere hot

( ) 2. There is ________ with my computer. Can you help me mend it?

A.nothing wrong B. anything wrong C. something wrong D. wrong something

( ) 3. I have quite ________ friends. I feel very happy.

A.few B. a few C. little D. a little

( ) 4. I ________ my homework last night. I went to the cinema with my parents.

A. did B. didn’t C. didn’t do D. don’t do

( ) 5. —________ Tom and Jim ________ a walk yesterday evening?

—No, they ________.

A. Do; take; doesn’t B. Did; take; didn’t C. Did; take; did D. Do; take; don’t

( ) 6. —How was your vacation?

—________. I liked it very much.

A. Very bad B. Wonderful C. I’m fine D. Have a good time

( ) 7. —Who teaches ________ singing? —Nobody, I learn it by ________.

A. your; mine B. your; myself C. you; myself D. you; me

( ) 8. The book is ________. I feel ________.

A. boring; boring B. bored; boring C. boring; bored D. bored; bored

( ) 9. Tom, your father is waiting ________ you at the school gate.

A. for B. at C. with D. as

( ) 10. My parents decide ________ to the beach this week.

A . go B. goes C. to go D. going

( ) 11. We have to stay at home ________ the heavy rain.

A. because B. because of C. but D. so

( ) 12. We don’t have ________ to buy this sweater, though the sweater is ________.

A. enough money, good enough B. enough money, enough good

C. money enough, well enough D. enough money, well enough

( ) 13. Ann likes going to school by bike but dislikes ________ to school on foot.

A. to go B. go C. going D. goes


帮助做家务__________________在周末_________________多久一次______________ 几乎从不_____________________每周一次__________________每月两次_______________

有空________________去看电影_________________用互联网_________________________ 打网球________________熬夜;睡得很晚____________________至少_______________________ 早点睡觉_____________________对……有好处____________________一点儿也不……__________ 在某人的业余时间_____________________比如;诸如_________________________

去看牙医多于________________________ 超过_______________________________



( ) 1.—_________ do you exercise? —Hardly ever.

A.How many times B. How often C. When D. How

( ) 2. Jane__________ stay up late because she didn’t finished his homework.

A.had to B. must C. should D. must to

( ) 3. Tom studies _______. He _______plays with his friends.

A.hard; hard B. hardly; hardly C. Hard; hardly D. hardly; hard

( ) 4. _____ it was very cold, _____ my friend still went swimming in Jialing River .

A. Although; but B. Although; / C. But; although D. /; although

( ) 5. —How often do you drink milk? —I don’t like it, so I _____drink it.

A. always B. usually C. hardly ever D. often

( ) 6. —How often does the train run to Jinan ? —_____twenty minutes.

A. Any B. Each C. Every D. Another

( ) 7. It’s too dark in the room. He can hardly see anything,______?

A. can he B. does he C. can’t he D. doesn’t he

( ) 8. Mr. Li asks the students _____in the river, because it’s too dangerous.

A. swim B. to swim C. not to swim D. to not swim

( ) 9. Reading aloud is the best way________ English.

A.to learn B. learning C. to learn D. learns

( ) 10. —I can’t find my CDs. —_______you put them in that bag.

A.Must B. May be C. Maybe D. May

( ) 11. —What about_______ a rest? —OK! Let’s go for a walk.

A. to have B. had C. have D. having

( ) 12.—How many books in the bag are yours? —________ of them is mine.

A. No one B. None C. Not one D. None

( ) 13 —____do you watch TV every week?

—Less than two hours. I often have much homework to do.

A.How many B. How much C. How long D. How often

( ) 14. What do you usually do________ weekends?

A. on B. of C. in D. with

Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.

Is your eating habit _________ Lily’s?

A. The same B. same as C, same to D. the same as

The boy doesn’t speak _________ his sister, but his handwriting is very good. as well as B. so good as C. More better than D. more worse than

It’s difficult for me to decide which one to choose, because ______of them are good.

A. neither B. both C. So D. or

4一What about the silk scarf? 一Wonderful! Nothing feels _________.

nice B. better C. Best D. worse

A train can run _________ a bus.

A, so quickly that B. quickly than C. As quickly D. more quickly than

6一Let’s buy some cards for our teachers on Teachers’ Day.

----Why not make some by hand? It’s much _________ .

A. interesting B. more interesting C. The most interesting D. less interesting

7. The weather in Beijing is colder than _________ in Shanghai.

A. it B. that C. those D. this

8一Both of the skirts are in style. 一But I think this one is _________ .

A, popular B, much popular C. more popular D. the most popular

The blue skirt is _________ than the white one.

A. dear B. much expensive C. expensive D. much more expensive

10.Sometimes walking is even _______than driving during the busy traffic time.

A. fast B. faster C. Slow D. slower

11. (2012,浙江宁波)

---Have you seen the funny movie Let the Bullet Fly?

一Yes,it made me ____ many times.

A. laugh B. cry C. Sleep D. sing

12. It’s important _________ us _________ _English well.

A. of; learning B. for; to learn C. Of; to learn . D.or; learning

13. (2012,湖北孝感)-Let’s go shopping at the new mall.

一Why not shop online? It’s ____.

A. expensive B. more expensive C. Less expensive D. the most expensive


Now, some robots are ____________ to do the same things ______ people.

A. enough smart;as B. enough smart;for C, Mart enough;as D: smart enough;with

15.( 江苏无锡) ________Amy likes to go to the cinema,but she doesnt like to see horror films.

A. Since B. As C. Though D. 不填

16. (2012,湖北襄阳)-Helen, can I wear jeans and a T- shirt to the school talent show? ---OK,but a dress might be _________. A.good B. bad C. better D. worse (热点题)

The water in the lakes and rivers in Yunnan became _______ because of the dry weather.

A. fewer and fewer B. more and more C. less and less D. little and little

18(热点题)Li Na _________ a gold medal again in Shenzhen ____ January 5th,2013. beat;in B. won; in C. Won; on D. beat;on

There are more students in Grade Two than _______ . ’

A. grade one B. other grade C. in Grade One D. others grade

20. The Internet makes the world become________.

A. bigger and bigger B. more and more C. smaller and smaller D, more and more beautiful

Unit4 What’s the best movie theater?

( ) 1. Which movie theater has _____ screens, Tom Cinema, Screen Cinema or Movie Palace?

the bigger B. big C. the biggest D. biggest

( ) 2. —What a nice watch it is!

—Yes. It’s _______ one of all.

A. expensive B. more expensive C. the most expensive D. much more expensive ( ( ) 3. Who do you think is actor in Hollywood?

A. the funny B. the funniest C. the most funniest D. more funnier

( ) 4. China is one of ______in the world.

larger country B. larger countries C. the largest countries D. largest country

( ) 5. The ______girl sings _______.

beautiful, beautiful B. beautifully, beautifully

C. beautiful, beautifully D. beautifully, beautiful

( ) 6. What do you _______this new watch?

think at B. think of C. think over D. think hard

( ) 7. We hope life can get _______ .

best and best B. better and better C. good and good D. well and well

( ) 8. Our city is becoming _______ .

more and most beautiful B. more beautiful and more beautiful

C. more and more beautiful D. beautiful and beautiful

( ) 9. All these talent shows have one thing _______common.

on B. in C. at D. for

( ) 10. Our teacher asked us to ______a story about the moon.

make up B. make of C. make in D. make out

( ) 11. It’s fun _______the talent show.

watch B. to watch C. watched D. watches

( ) 12. There are _______school things in the store.

a kind of B. kind of C. different kind of D. all kinds of

( ) 13. Do you enjoy ________English stories?

read B. to read C. reading D. reads

( ) 14. The students should take the exams .

serious B. seriously C. bad D. worse

( ) 15. Parents play a role in ________ their children.

teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teaching

( ) 16. We should study hard to make our dream________.

come over B. come back C. come true D. come up

( ) 17. It took me two weeks ________ the novels (小说) by Guo Jingming.

finish reading B. to finish reading C. to finish to read D. finishing to read

( ) 18. Actions speak________ than words. (事实胜于雄辩)

loud B. louder C. loudest D. loudly

Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?

1. What _________exciting news! We are all very excited about it. A. a B. an C. the D. /

2. If you plan ________a movie, choose Mulan.

A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched

3. We hope ________good grades. A. get B. to get C. getting D. got

4. I hope you ________a nice weekend. A. have B. to have C. having D. had

5. Hi, Jean! You look unhappy. ____________?

A. What did you happen B. What you happened

C. What happened to you D. Did you happen what

Walt Disney was famous _______his cartoons.

like B. as C. at D. for

9. I don’t mind _________soap operas.

A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched

We waited an hour for Jack, but he didn’t ________.

appear B. get C. arrived D. come out

11. His new book ________last weekend.

A. came out B. came up C. came in D. came to

12. She ________and went to the party.

A. wore B. put on C. dressed D. dressed up

( )1.I don’t mind ______you with your English.

help B.to help C.helping D.helps

( )2.I can’t stand ______the terrible TV show.

watch B.watching C.to watch D.watched

( )3. That magazine_______every Monday.

comes out B.comes up C.comes over D.comes true

( )4.we should ________Lei Feng.

A.learn from B.learn with C.learn to D.learn after

( )5.Let’s ______here,let him ______ there.

A.sit,stand B.to sit, to stand C.to sit,stand D.sit,to stand

( )6.She often plans______something to help others. A.to do B.does C.do D.doing

( )7.—What happened ______ you yesterday?

—I happened _____ meet my old friend,Lucy.

A.to,to B.with, to C.to,with D.with,with

( )8.They are trying______what is going on around the world.

A.look for B.to look for C.to find out D.find out

( )9.Does John want talk show?

A.to watch B.watch C.watches D.watchs

( )10. _____ November 18,1978,Mickey became foumas. A.In B.At C.On D.Of

( )11. _____ ,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.

A.In 1930s B.In the 1930s C.In the 1930 D.On the 1930s

( )12.Walt Disney made 87 cartoons _____,he became______ .

A successful,successful B.successfully,successfully

C.successful, successfully D.successfully,successful

( )13.I saw two______ an apple when I came by.

A.mice,eating B.mouses,eating C.mice,ate D.mouses,ate

( )14.Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon_____sound and music.

A.and B.with C.in D.of

( )15.He always tries to face any ____and met some _____ things.

A.danger,dangerous B.danger,danger

C.dangerous,dangerous D.dangerous, danger

( )16.We should eat many fruits _____ apples and oranges.

A.for example B.such as C.so as D.such like

( )17.There isn’t ______ in today’s newspaper.

A.something new B.new something C.anything new D.new anything

( )18.Mr Wang didn’t come,so Mrs Wang ______.

A.took him place B.took his place C.took of him D,became him

( )19.At the party,Lucy ______like a Mickey Mouse to make us ______.

dressed up, laugh B.dressed up,to laugh C.dressed on,laugh D.dressed on,to laugh

( )20.I think the actress_______ well.

A.did Mulan’s role B.did Mulan’s way C.played Mulan’s role D.played Mulan’s way

( )21.The actors_______in the movie.

A.was good B.did a good job C.did good D.played good

( )22. ---I think Boonie Bears(熊出没)isn’t as ______ as Pleasant Goat.

---I agree with you.Boonie Bears is______ than Pleasant Goat.

A.famous,more famous B.famous,less famous

C.more famous,less famous D.less famous,more famous

( )23.Kong Fansen is______educational movie,most people felt _______ .

an, exciting B.an,excited C.a,exciting D.a excited

( )24.—What do you ______the movie? —It is very educational.

A.think of B.like C.like of D.think

( )25.Mulan is ______ exciting movie. It comes from _____old Chinese story.

A.an,an B.a,an C.an,a D.a,a















新人教版八年级上册英语重点短语归纳 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation









